What room or area is more important than your lobby? These days, corporations are using signs and...
5 Monster Mission Statement Sign & Graphics Ideas
All businesses have a vision statement and a mission statement. The difference between the two is your vision statement is the “What” your company will do. The mission statement, however, is the “How” you will do it—and your mission is what should be prominently displayed to your employees and clients.
Signs and Graphics for Displaying Your Mission Statements
In today's visual world, we've come up with five super ideas to display your statement using signs and graphics.
1. Wall Murals / Wall Coverings
For this idea, we suggest using an entire wall and covering it with a vinyl wall mural that shouts your mission loud and clear. Use in employee areas and in your lobby for the most impact.
These are fabricated using heavy-duty vinyl from top manufacturers like 3M, Avery and Oracal. Our graphic designers work with your business to determine the right design for the wall covering and it's printed at our location and easily installed at your company or organization.
2. Wall Graphics
Wall graphics also include lettering using your corporate typography. The words of your mission statement are easily transferred to any wall in conference rooms or lobbies. Add graphics to reinforce this visual.
Why not just frame your statement or hide it on your website? The question should be why not embrace your plans and goals, and colourfully display how your company's ideas will change the world?
3. Architectural Displays
Architectural displays come in a vast array and mixing and matching materials offer even more variety.
Think of these visuals as adding art to your mission. There's no rule the corporate culture of your company has to be shut away in a business plan.
4. 3D Letters
Your mission statement can also jump off the wall using three-dimensional letters. Not only can we match your font, but the materials available for these 3D letters are also lengthy. They include metal, wood, PVC, acrylic, foam and more.
Imagine your mission as a work of art on your stairways, entryways or halls. Or, high above in your lobby for customers and clients to see.
5. Stand-Off Mounted Acrylic Prints
Mount acrylic over your missions and values and use them in common areas, walkways, national headquarters or reception areas. These are long-lasting visuals that are easily mounted using stand-offs. The trick to these is mixing your mission with images and graphics that reflect your corporate culture.
Imagine these displays inside a training room? What would attendees expect? That all depends on the designs, graphics and signage options you choose.
Why Are Graphics and Signs So Trendy?
One reason may be due to the visuals we see in the digital electronics we use more than ever before. Another goes as far back as the 19th Century. According to Scientific American, physicist and ophthalmologist Hermann von Helmholtz suggested “When the command to move the eyes is sent from the frontal lobes to the muscles of the eyeballs, a faithful copy of the command (like a CC for an email) also goes to visual motion.” Or, the visuals one sees are remembered—in fact, 95 per cent of the time.
The days of “graphics everywhere” is here to stay and that means inside the interior of your company. The corporations and organizations committed to improving corporate culture rely on signs and graphics to ensure their values are communicated on a consistent basis.
Ready to jump into the world of company culture visuals that define and engage?