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Guaranteed Bamboo Removal Boosts Brand with Ford E-Series Van Wraps

Contractor Van Wrap South Jersey - Sunrise SignsThere is an ever increasing number of contractors in New Jersey. With the improving economy, more people can now afford the projects they had been putting off. One of those projects that many homeowners had put on the backburner is removing invasive bamboo trees from their property. Nowadays, consumers are looking for options for removing these scourges. Smart entrepreneurs are using contractor van wraps New Jersey will remember.

Our Client Needed Ford E-Series Van Wraps

Headquartered in Greenlawn, NJ in Suffolk County, Bamboo Removal has been providing Connecticut, New York, Long Island, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey with invasive bamboo removal services for more than 35 years. They hold certifications and Ford Econoline Van Wrap South Jersey - Sunrise Signsdegrees in bamboo removal and organic horticulture. What sets them apart is their use of chemical free, environmentally friendly processes for getting rid of invasive bamboo.

In addition to removal, Bamboo Removal also offers prevention and containment of bamboo. When performing all of their services, they travel throughout the area in a Ford E-Series van. They contacted us for Ford E-Series van wraps for contractors because they were aware of how important it was to use the giant canvas of their work van to market their enterprise.

The Challenge

Our skilled graphic artists were given the task of helping Bamboo Removal brand by turning the Ford E-Series van into a mobile billboard. For this job, our experts decided to use as much space as was possible. All of their marketing materials already had a precise typeface, colors, and logo. We had to include this branding into the wrap, print it out on our innovative, wide format digital printer, and install the wrap in an attention grabbing way.

The Sunrise Solution

Van Graphics Design Proofs in Philadelphia - Sunrise Signs

Contractor van wrap design proofs

Vehicle Wrap Design Proof in Philadelphia - Sunrise Signs

We came up with the Ford E-Series design proofs after an in-depth initial consultation with Bamboo Removal. We used matching graphics with minimal words on both sides of the van. For the rear, we posted the same pertinent information for a high visual impact. And, for the front, we just featured bamboo imagery with their logo of bamboo with a circle and a line through it. We went to work printing and installing the Ford E-Series full vehicle wrap the moment the artwork was approved by the client.

The Results

We kept the wording to a minimum on all sides of the van. In fact, there are less than a dozen words on each side. There are certain aspects that are featured more prominently, such as the website and their phone number. The slogan “We ‘Dig’ your Bamboo!” serves as a secondary element.

Pest Control Contractor Van Wraps South Jersey - Sunrise SignsWhat really catches the eyes and gets consumers to take a closer look is the thick coverage of bamboo “invading” the entire wrap. There is also an overwhelmed cartoon woman pulling her hair out because the bamboo is overtaking her yard.

On the rear of the van, we installed vinyl window perf over the windows to display the business’s name and web address. This still allows the driver to look out the rear window.

In the end, Bamboo Removal was completely satisfied. Now, they are advertising their business and reeling in new customers as they go about their daily work. All you have to do is click away if you want a quote on contractor van wraps.

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Now on to some larger images of these amazing Ford E-Series van wraps...

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