Where is your corporate mission statement? Is it buried deep on your website? Or, perhaps it’s...
What is the Difference Between a Mission and Vision Statement?
Every business needs a vision and a mission statement, but what’s the difference between the two? It’s pretty simple really if you look at the purpose of each. A vision statement is the “what” your company will do. A mission statement is the “how” you will accomplish your vision. Let’s look at some examples and why it’s important to keep both of these statements visible inside your business—accessible to all.
Levi Strauss
A flagship store in the UK offers wall murals and text on acrylic to convey their values.
This maker of jeans and other apparel has been around for a long time. They have never changed their vision: “We are the embodiment of the energy and events of our times, inspiring people with a pioneering spirit.”
They have, however changed their mission statement, which is actually a common practice. Part of their old mission was, “We will clothe the world.” Today, this empire changed with the times and now expresses how they’ll exceed in their vision. They've added words that convey they will have a “safe work environment” and offer “fair treatment.” In addition, words about being an ethical business and “personal accountability” were inserted. While they still include they are a “global marketing company of branded apparel,” today, their mission conveys what investors and global employees want to hear.
Alzheimer’s Association
Vinyl text conveys their mission inside a local chapter.
Most vision statements are short and sweet. For the Alzheimer’s Association: “Our vision is a world without Alzheimer’s disease.” Their mission statement on the other hand does talk of eliminating the disease but also how they’ll do it—through research and promotion of brain health.
For some enterprises, a mission statement is developed and then attached to their core values. The Alzheimer’s Association does this right on their website because there are so many ways they do “research” and “promote brain health.” It is not just one research center and a couple of scientists—it’s a worldwide team.
A wall mural tells the story.
This online giant has a straightforward vision: “Our vision is to be earth’s most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.” They’ve managed to create a one sentence vision, which is what we may all have been taught is best to do but often a vision is one, two or even three paragraphs. Why? It depends on the business at hand, who is behind the writing of the statement and is the company so large it needs to convey it is “how” using many words. There is no right and wrong, but one sentence for a vision statement is widely utilized. Let your mission spread your word.
For Amazon, you may have trouble even finding a mission statement. However, one could point out that their vision statement is their mission. An unofficial mission statement has been passed around online, but Amazon doesn’t confirm it. The unofficial version talks about using the “best technology” and “reasonable prices.” It also delves into “maintaining shareholders interests and company profits in mind.” And, of course there is the commonplace in most mission statements, the safety and comfort of their employees.
Making Your Vision & Mission Visible
Today’s corporations are taking their visions and missions a step further. How? By embedding them inside their offices using wall graphics and wall murals. Sure, these vinyl graphics and murals are for their clients to see but they are also for the workforce. Every business needs their employees to buy into the brand and become part of that brand. Graphics they see in their workspaces, lobbies, conference rooms and break rooms are by far the fastest way to lead them into believing in the brand. Hence, out into the world they go each day as part of the company—an arm or branch if you will.
Thinking of using vinyl graphics or murals in your offices?
Image credits: Fine Art America / Dexigner / Southington Observer / Daily Design Inspiration