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Graphic Design Mission Statement Examples

Where is your corporate mission statement? Is it buried deep on your website? Or, perhaps it’s inside your corporate book along with your corporate seal? Maybe it’s in a frame you got at a big box store behind your counter, in a conference room or in the lobby? Step into the 21st century! Mission statements are meant to be seen!

As a Wall Graphic

Graphic Design Mission Statement Examples

This graphic design mission statement example is simply fabricated using vinyl and placed on a wall in a corporate lobby. Everyone that enters this business sees it, including your employees. These statements are part of your corporate culture and the way they are presented makes a big difference in how consumers (and employees) view your company.

An Acrylic Slideshow of Sorts

Mission Statements on Walls with Graphics and Acrylic

Acrylic is the perfect material to embed vinyl graphics, images and text. Blending the acrylic with metal such as aluminum gives your mission statement a three-dimensional look that stands out. Popular for the trendy loft business, the artist or a publishing company--or in this case--healthcare.

As a Wall Mural

Using Wall Murals for Mission Statements

A wall mural is also the perfect spot to place your statement. Design it around the room or vice versa. When your statement has much to convey to your visitors, clients or patients, murals offer plenty of space to let everyone know who you are and what you're all about. Perfect for a law-firm, physician office or the one-person professional business.

A Combo of Graphics and Text


This one catches our eye because it includes the mission using the company's font, but it also incorporates the logo with a vinyl graphic. Mixing vinyl text and graphics together certainly makes any wall a focal wall where your statement lives in vibrant imagery and words.

When No Words Are Needed

Using Wall Murals for Mission Statements

Perhaps your corporation focuses on one product and one product only. If this is your business, your mission can be conveyed with a wall mural featuring that one product--or service. An airplane manufacturer as seen above or the inventor of that famous sweeper, the Dyson, for example. Sometimes images are all you need to present what your mission is all about.

When History is Essential

History and Mission Statement Wall Graphics

Not all business are of the white collar variety but instead, are watering holes, retail stores or Mom and Pop venues that have been in business for decades. The wall mural above could be used in a bar that is a staple in the community with a name like Blackbeard's Tavern. Certainly the mural itself conveys what sorts of food and drink to expect.

Putting It All on the Wall

By far, wall murals and wall graphics are the fashionable, exotic, innovative and creative way to display your mission statement. Forget the 8x10 frame or finding the perfect place to insert it on your website. Go for the bold statement!

Ask Us About Mission & Vision Statement Wall Graphics Image credits:

Katie Brooks,, by Les



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